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Showing posts from February, 2021

5 Tips to Consider Before Beginning a Home-Based Business

How I Survive as a Small Business Owner When I began my business in the early '90s, I was fortunate.  I didn't need to turn a profit, as I had just retired from a teaching career.  My business was all about having fun while helping others.  However, since I ran a family business as a child , the businessperson in me wouldn't allow me to ignore running my baby as a real company.  What follows is my advice to all those considering entering the home-based business field. Do you have enough money to survive two years? Many people think that just because they are working from home, expenses will be lower than if in a store -front business.  For the most part, this is true.  A home office isn't additional rent.  However, it is still an office and you will still require a paycheck. Treat this as any other business and ensure that you have enough money to live on for at least two years without considering any profits from your future business.  Watch your expenses! In my opin

Good Manners Matter For Realtors

Realtor Etiquette Today’s housing market is fluctuating between homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage and home values skyrocketing due to short supply. Buyers, who need to relocate or purchase smaller homes they can afford, are hit with bidding wars.    Many sellers often don’t have a comfortable new home option.  And buyers are concerned with paying too much for a home that may lose value once the pandemic ends.  All of this makes an agent’s job tougher than ever, making manners and etiquette even more important.  Developing Trust As I have taught in my many professional presence workshops, successful agents know that trust is, in part, built by relating to clients through physical appearance, attire , body language, and grooming habits. To appear relatable and personable, the agent should dress in professional attire that is only slightly more formal than clients.  But what more do successful agents do to develop trust? Greg Gordon  a real estate agent with RE/MAX Gold for 3

Newly Retired Hubby and My Home-Based Business

How I'm Surviving His Retirement Retiring is a major life event.  Schedules change.  Routines are swapped, warped, and tossed aside.  For the most part, though, retirement means freedom...freedom to make our own decisions all day.  No one tells us when to get up, when to begin work, or what work to do.   But, what if the newly retired is married to an owner of a home-based business?  This is where it gets interesting.  My husband just retired, I own a consulting/training business, and we share the same space.  What could go wrong? Establish and Follow a Clearly Understood Work Schedule. For many home-based business owners, there is no off button.  We tend to keep working, like a little windup toy that keeps moving even after running into a wall.  I'm no different.  I love what I do, so quitting time is a vague concept. When my husband was still in servitude, quitting time was when I heard the garage door open to announce his arrival.  Now?  Well, that part is a bit fu

Celebrate Valentine’s Day Within a Budget

Valentine's Day Money Saving Ideas Once upon a very long time ago, Valentine’s Day was all about romance.   Romance wasn’t expensive.   It was long warm glances across a room, sweet kisses stolen from smiling lips, and promises sealed with heart-shaped cards.   A ccording to  National Retail Federation , it appears that love is measured in dollars as Americans are expected to spend over 21 billion on more than just candy hearts.    And that’s during a pandemic! As a small business owner who must watch every penny, I’ve found fantastic ways to spend this day of love and keep from draining my wallet.    Follow along as I share my tips with you. Sentiments shouldn’t cost more than a car payment. Like a typical woman , I like gifts.   And jewelry?   Those little boxes give me goosebumps.   However, as much as I love a nice piece of sparkly, I’d rather save those dollars.   I reconcile my girlish tendencies by shopping at thrifts.   It’s amazing how much I can find there for a few