Stealing Lunches, Burning Microwave Popcorn, Hogging the Fridge...Oh My! At work, the lunch or breakroom is often a place to mingle or hide out during breaks. Sometimes, though, it can be a place of crime. Crime in the workplace? Oh yes. As an etiquette consultant, one of the most common workplace complaints I hear concerns the lunch thief. Thievery isn't the only breakroom complaint, however. Therefore, I've developed a few tools to deal with this diverse group of breakroom irritants and offenders. What causes some employees to exhibit such poor behavior? When frustrated with coworkers, many will come to me with their workplace stories and questions. The first question is usually about why their coworkers would steal their lunch or warm smelly fish in the microwave. The answer is simple: Most forget that the workplace is a shared space, so they become too comfortable and forget to use their best manners. ...
Business, Career, & Financial Advice by Award-Winning Writer/Author & Etiquette Consultant Rebecca Black